The Priscilla K. Gray Service Learning Grant is a project of the Toy Chest Children’s Charity. It was established in memory of our Mother who was a Founding Member of the Board of Directors. Our Mom was instrumental in the development of the charity and loved working to create a better world for children. She passed away on February 24, 2017.
This is a unique service learning opportunity for children. It gives them a platform to serve other children in their own communities. Through the Priscilla K. Gray Service Learning Grant, the Toy Chest will award grants in increments of $500 or more totaling $1,500 annually to KY Hight School Students. The grants will be used to fund service projects developed and implemented by students. Submission criteria will include a short essay detailing the service idea, objective(s), implementation, and evaluation plans.
We look forward to helping build tomorrow's service leaders today!
Ron Gray
LeAnn Gray-Carrier
Co-Chairs, Priscilla K. Gray Service Learning Grant Committee